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The Criminal President

Trump mug shot
Will we see a mug shot of Trump like this one day soon?

Donald Trump is now whining about the “crooked DOJ” secretly attacking his civil rights. In case you haven’t heard, the Department of Justice (DOJ) obtained a secret search warrant for the former president’s Twitter account. That’s right, folks, Trump didn’t know that the DOJ has had access to his Twitter account since January 2023.

Trump claims this was a “major hit” on his civil rights and that the DOJ was “going crazy trying to infringe on my campaign for president,” but consider how sad it is that the DOJ was rightfully concerned that Trump might “destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior, [or] notify confederates.”

Is there any hole Trump won’t crawl into or behavior he won’t stoop to become president again? We know, based on his post-election behavior in 2020, the answer is a resounding “no, there is not.”

Twitter was Trump’s primary “go to” social media tool to rile up his unpatriotic followers into committing sedition and insurrection on January 6, 2021. According to the detailed DOJ indictment (a masterpiece), Twitter was used to create the “false expectation” that Vice President Mike Pence had constitutional authority to “reverse the election outcome.”

Pence had no such authority. Trump posted multiple “knowingly false” tweets leading up to and including January 6th, attempting to persuade Pence to commit treason. When it became apparent that Pence would not comply, Trump tweeted that Pence lacked the courage to “do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution.” Shortly after the tweet, the capitol rioters began their threatening chant to “Hang Mike Pence.”

On Dec. 19, 2020, Trump used Twitter to invite his followers to a “wild protest” on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol. We all know what happened on that day. Seven people died during or shortly after the capitol riots—millions of dollars in damage was done to the people’s building—our democracy and credibility took a terrible hit.

Why? Because one man-child put his own interests ahead of the country (and citizens) he swore to preserve, protect, and defend. He wasn’t seeking to “protect our country and our Constitution;” he was engaged in a shameless attempt to cling to power.

Republican, Democrat, or independent, we must embrace history and accept the truth: Candidate Donald Trump blustered and bullied his way through the 2016 election. He was caught on tape bragging that he could commit a sexual assault without consequence. He boasted he could “stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody” and would not lose voters. He threatened to build walls and deport minority immigrants and citizens.

What a candidate says on the campaign trail may be worrisome, but he or she lacks the power to do anything harmful. Everything changed when he won the election. Would he now try to implement the despicable policies he advocated for?

Yes! He would and he did.

In fact, his presidency will have a negative impact on the America we knew and loved for years to come. “Make America Great Again?” Seriously? Donald Trump is the most divisive, disruptive, narcissistic, and evil president the country has ever had. Yet, an almost cult-like following of 40% of our citizens still support him. Why? Who knows? Trump has never had their backs—he cares only for himself, his own economic and political interests.

Yesterday, one of his “loyal followers,” a Utah man named Craig Robinson, was gunned down by FBI agents as they attempted to arrest him for making graphic threats to public officials who have dared to oppose his hero. This seriously misguided, probably mentally impaired man was pushed over the edge by his loyalty to Trump. Here are a few of his many social media posts:

“I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. Welcome, buffoon-in-chief.”

“The time is right for a presidential assassination or two. First Joe then Kamala!!!”

“Alvin Bragg . . . I’ll be waiting in the courthouse parking garage with my suppressed Smith & Wesson M & P 9mm . . . I want to stand over Bragg and put a nice hole in his forehead . . .”

Can anyone read these as anything but serious threats to assassinate state and federal officials, including the president and vice president? Could you ever imagine anyone having the temerity to post anything like these until Trump entered the political arena and called people like Robinson to action? Something is truly rotten in MAGA land.

Those who believe that the DOJ’s warrant request was a “major hit” on Trump’s civil rights, that Robinson’s threats were “free speech,” or that the multiple indictments Trump now faces are nothing more than bogus witch hunts, might wish to consider this: A former president of the United States behaved so despicably in office that he could not be trusted to protect or preserve evidence in a criminal case.

That same former president recently threatened “if you go after me; I’m coming after you,” something a Mafia member might say. Craig Robinson lost his life responding to some of the former president’s many calls to action. Several people were killed on January 6, 2021, while many others now reside in prison. Many of our country’s brave first responders are dead, disabled, or mentally unfit to report back for duty after the events of January 6th.

This is Trump’s America, circa 2016 to present. His corrupt, mischievous, and criminal actions have done major damage to our country and its citizens. These actions had nothing to do with improving our lives or making America a better place. They were taken only because this megalomaniac desired to remain in power. Lives were tragically lost. Laws were broken. The country became even more divided, and Trump, the criminal president, could care less.

Like a stubborn infection or Cancer, here he is again, crisscrossing the country, spreading lies, spewing dangerous rhetoric, riling up dangerous people like Craig Robinson. Only by rejecting this man’s candidacy will our citizens truly make America great again.

If you haven’t done so already, please check out Mark Bello’s ripped-from-the-headlines legal thrillers, all available online at Amazon and other major online booksellers. He has quite the hero in Attorney Zachary Blake, who fights for justice on all fronts. His books are Betrayal of Faith, Betrayal of Justice, Betrayal in Blue, Betrayal in Black, Betrayal High, Supreme Betrayal, Betrayal at the Border, You Have the Right to Remain Silent and his latest, and his latest, “The Final Steps – A Harbor Springs Cozy Legal Mystery. Also, he’s written a wonderful children’s book about bullying, “Happy Jack, Sad Jack.” For more info, just check

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1 Comment

C J Waldron
C J Waldron
Aug 10, 2023

Criminal, yes. But I have never and will never refer to him by the title you’ve used. He violated his constitutional oath too many times to be deserving of the title.

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