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Scared Yet? You Should Be...

Trump on his throne
Trump's Supreme Court gives him the status of king. AI-generated image.

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision that gives Donald Trump immunity for his treasonous acts as President of the United States on January 6, 2021 should put the fear of God into everyone in America.

Why? Because he is not only immune for past actions as President, he is immune for the rest of his life should he regain the White House. Yes, the rest of his life.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump wants to emulate his buddy Vladimir Putin who conducts “elections” in Russia that he always wins. If Trump even allows elections to happen after 2024, he will make sure they are rigged so he can be President for life. And now as the most powerful person in the country, who SCOTUS has decided is above the law, he will target anyone he feels is against him.

Scared Yet? You Should Be

Trump’s thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of enemies are not just political, they are also ordinary citizens like you and me. You know, those of us who did not vote for him in 2016, 2020 and 2024 or spoke out against him on social media. He wants all of us silenced. You know his friend Elon Musk will turn over all personal information for liberals on his platform to Trump, probably without being asked.

Under a Trump regime any of us could get our door broken down and hauled off to a concentration camp -- the ones he says he will build for illegals. They will be turned into camps for his enemies as well. Just like his hero Adolf Hitler built. Presidential immunity!

Media outlets?

Having options to hear left leaning or unbiased news will be a thing of the past. Only propaganda will be allowed on the airwaves.

All real journalists will be put in prison so they cannot speak the truth about him anymore. Immunity for Trump if journalists want to try for legal recourse.

True Trump Supporters Will Be Safe Though, Right?

That depends on whether they stay die hard supporters once he turns America into an autocracy.

Finally figured out shredding the Constitution includes getting rid of the right to bear arms? Too late. He will come for your guns because he knows how dangerous you can be. After all he is the one who stoked the violence in you for his personal gain. And he is terrified of you turning on him with those guns if you ever wake up to the fact that he conned you.

Protesting because he took your guns? Well, if there is no First Amendment there will be no freedom of speech or right to protest, as President Trump can send the National Guard after your sorry butts to either shoot you or put you in prison. And you have no legal recourse because he has immunity.

If he sends the American terrorist groups who call themselves militias instead, he now has the power to pardon anyone who does his dirty work. This SCOTUS decision is a win for them as well.

So, I ask again: Are you scared yet? You should be.


What Can We Do?

There is still rule of law in this country; however much it is being chipped away by a Supreme Court that no longer cares about interpreting the Constitution and is only doing Trump’s bidding. Only the American people have the absolute power to determine the fate of this country before it permanently slides into a mirror of Russia.

There are more Americans who stand behind our Democracy than there are Trump supporters. And we are getting angrier every day. We alone can stop Donald J. Trump by exercising OUR RIGHT TO VOTE!

The modern-day equivalent of a Revolutionary War minuteman is a voter at a polling place casting a ballot to protect the Democracy our ancestors fought for in the 18th Century.

Stop Worrying About Biden. Focus on Trump

We all need to put aside any concerns over Joe Biden and realize now is not the time to waffle or bail on the Democratic Party.

We need to get young voters, minorities and everyone who is afraid for the future of their children and grandchildren to suck it up and vote against Trump’s horrific plans for the America we love. There is no sitting this one out.

We can defeat this orange demon for good on November 5. If Trump tries another coup when he is defeated, he will be a private citizen and prosecuted like anyone else.

Although Trump is the main threat, we must remember that winning Congress is just as important as putting Biden back in the White House.

A Trump win with a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate means another impeachment and, this time, removal if he tries to become a dictator. Trump gets no immunity from Congress.

However, a GOP House and Senate with or without Trump as President will mean the death of America.

The Court's decision exposes Trump supporters as the fake patriots they are. A real patriot understands the founding fathers explicitly did not want anyone in the Presidency to act like a king. It is clearly spelled out in the Declaration of Independence, a declaration we are celebrating on July 4.

So, enjoy the holiday with friends and family and remember to VOTE this November so we can celebrate the American independence of 1776 and 2024.



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