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Palmer Launches Petition to Replace Biden

Biden and Trump image from debate
There is a growing chorus from Democrats for President Biden to step aside in favor of a younger candidate to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.

Former Democratic presidential challenger Jason Palmer has just launched a new petition, seeking support for his drive to convince President Biden to "pass the torch" to a "younger, stronger" candidate to take on Donald Trump.

Palmer, a guest on the Dixie Dems edition of the Lean to the Left podcast this week, dropped his election bid a few weeks ago and has since launched a new organization, Together!, designed to attract young and independent voters.

Here's the text of Palmer's announcement, including his open letter to Biden, published by We pass it along without comment for your consideration:

"Are you disappointed with the quality of our Presidential candidates after the June 27, 2024 debate between Biden and Trump?

Please sign this petition to encourage President Biden to pass the torch. Our nation needs younger, stronger leadership in these challenging times."  

Dear President Biden,  You are a good man with solid character. You’ve been an exemplary public servant for fifty years. You led us to national stability and economic prosperity—even after inheriting a global pandemic that took the lives of a million American friends and family members and bitterly divided our country.   

You have guided us along a steady path amid turmoil, repelling threats to the fabric of our nation. America is incredibly grateful for your sacrifices and accomplishments. Nobody has worked longer or harder for America and its future than Joe Biden, and we know it.  

Until last Thursday night, tens of millions of Americans supported your candidacy. Donald Trump is corrupt and unfit for leadership, and a second Trump term poses an existential threat to American democracy. Regardless of our concerns about your age, we helped you beat Trump in 2020, and we thought we could help you again.  

But last Thursday night’s debate shook us deeply. Our nation needs strong leadership in these challenging times. It’s difficult to say, and even more difficult to hear, but we need to speak the truth to our friends and the ones we love. The emperor has no clothes.  

Our first president, George Washington, courageously declined to run again in 1796 and allowed the next generation to take the nation forward. This honorable act of public service is recounted in the song “One Last Time” from Hamilton, with words quoted from the Bible, “Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid. They’ll be safe in the nation we’ve made.”  

Our Democratic Party includes a deep bench of exceptional leaders like Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Michelle Obama, Jared Polis, Wes Moore, J.B. Pritzker, and the list goes on, especially if business leaders are included.    

We hold an energetic vision for America and are ready to address the unique challenges of our times—from climate change to women’s rights to building an equitable innovation economy. America needs young leadership that’s committed to national unity and bipartisan solutions. A commitment to doing the right thing must trump the tribalism that so often passes for political leadership today.  

President Biden, we are enormously grateful for your wisdom and leadership through the years. You have served our nation well, and you may rightfully choose to sit under your own vine and fig tree. Mr. President, please take your moment in the shade—and trust that you’ll be safe in the nation we’ve made.  

Lead us, President Biden, please do the right thing. 

With gratitude, hope, and the utmost respect,  

Jason M. Palmer and Fellow Petitioners    

To participate in the petition to replace Biden, Palmer provided this QR code:

Biden petition QR code
Petition QR Code

Are Palmer and others who share this view correct? Should Biden be replaced?

Please use the Comment area below to respond.

PS: Facebook has deleted this post saying it vioilates their community standards. How could that be? Are they trying to quell debate about this important topic?


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