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I Am Woman: A Call for Women's Rights

New version of the I Am Woman song
The Helen Reddy classic, "I Am Woman," has been adapted as a 2024 anthem to encourage women to vote to protect reproductive freedom by supporting Kamala Harris for President.

The relentless attack on women’s rights calls for a unified front. As our nation faces the ripple effects of Roe v. Wade’s overturning, women from across the country are stepping up to fight for their voices and choices.

A new Lean to the Left podcast, "I Am Woman," centers around this critical issue, provides a platform for notable activists Connie DeJuliis and Donna Lent to bring their insights and efforts to the forefront. Watch or listen to the rich conversation and rallying calls from these tenacious women.

A Call for Women's Rights

The podcast opens by addressing the root of the current crisis: Women are under attack, and the attack is coming from Donald Trump and his allies, resulting in Roe v. Wade being eliminated.

This landmark decision stripped away the constitutional right to an abortion, igniting fierce resistance among women determined to protect their reproductive rights.

The urgency is underlined by a poignant video featuring DeJuliis' remade lyrics to the Helen Reddy classic, "I Am Woman," symbolizing the strength and resilience of all women and their determination to change the political landscape with their votes in November.

A Call to Action

The video, skillfully crafted by Connie DeGioias, captures the essence of female determination: "I am strong. I am invincible. I am woman."

Both Connie and Donna emphasize that their fight extends far beyond mere words. Connie remarks, "I couldn’t sit on the sidelines," saying that despite her retirement, the current socio-political climate demands her active participation. Donna Lent, a former president of the National Women’s Political Caucus, explains the importance of organized efforts: "We recruit, train, and elect women for elected and appointed office." Their collective action exemplifies the steps necessary for impactful change.

The Political Frontline

In the episode, Connie proudly introduces Donna and explains their collaborative efforts to galvanize women in South Carolina: "Donna has helped to develop this chapter and organize women here," Connie states.

Such grassroots mobilization is pivotal in states where women's representation is dwindling, such as South Carolina, where only two women serve in the state senate.

Donna connects the current battle to historical struggles. Recounting the long journey from the first women’s rights convention in 1848 to women's right to vote in 1920, and beyond to the 52-year fight for reproductive autonomy, she underscores that the fight for women's rights is far from over:

"Women have had to fight for 248 years to have the right to be full citizens of this country."

Connie provides a critical analysis of the Supreme Court's impact, revealing how its decisions have jeopardized numerous precedents established by the 14th Amendment's due process clause. This rollback prompts states to pass increasingly restrictive laws, affecting not only reproductive rights but other fundamental freedoms.

Call Out to Younger Generations

The podcast highlights the importance of involving younger generations. Connie and Donna discuss criticisms that the song “I Am Woman” is outdated, but they counter this by sharing the emotional responses from younger women, demonstrating that the message still resonates strongly today: "Young women... love it. They’re touched by it."

The episode concludes with practical advice and encouragement for continued activism.

"This is not an election that’s going to be won by talking about it. Get out and do something about it," she says. "We can sleep when we're dead."

Both women stress the importance of unity and collective action. Donna encourages listeners to join the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), emphasizing its mission to support pro-choice candidates: "

"Go to and join the South Carolina chapter or a local chapter near you," she ad vises.

The Power of Voting

Finally, Connie and Donna reassert the crucial role of voting. Highlighting past elections decided by narrow margins, Connie reminds listeners: "Don’t think that your vote doesn’t matter. Every vote counts."

Share the Message

Connie and Donna urge everyone to share the “I Am Woman” video widely, ensuring the anthem of resilience spreads across the nation:

"Share the video with all of your contacts and make sure you vote," Connie says.

The podcast "I Am Woman: a Call for Women's Rights" encapsulates the fierce determination of women fighting for reproductive freedom.

As Connie and Donna exemplify, through unity, action, and relentless advocacy, we can push back against regressive measures and hold steadfast to our choices and freedoms. The appeal is clear: Join the cause, raise your voice, and ensure your vote contributes to the ongoing fight for women’s rights.

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1 Comment

Bob Gatty
Bob Gatty
Aug 10

I hope you guys check out this podcast, especially if you're concerned about women's reproductive rights and the attack on them by Trump and his MAGA Republican crowd. For those in South Carolina, there is some special info about what's happening there.

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